Join us at the next level of Being a Better Friend.

Thank you again to all our Friends who offered generous financial support at the end of the year. That has given us some great momentum going into 2025. We intend to maintain all of our services and programming with plans to continue to grow. To do that, we could also use some additional human resources on our Education Team and volunteers in many positions.
Board Vacancies
Friends of the Fox River (FOTFR) is searching to fill some Board of Directors vacancies. Consider bringing your wisdom to the board table where the big decisions are made. The preparation and implementation of our many activities is developed at the committee (and subcommittee) level. Join us just once a month to set work plans and get the many jobs accomplished. Email us at to discuss how you may find your place.
Volunteers needed
We are busy every month and those operations require staffing. Tabling at events, producing the daily posts and weekly publications, supporting with projects like our parade float and various fundraisers may have a spot for you.
New this coming June will be a major paddling event, EL CARDUNAL. We need a large staff to make it a success. Tasks will include master planning (kick-off meeting on 1/23 securing sponsors) on land logistics, on the water support, community relations, marketing, and more. Help us with the first ever celebration of the new and longest free-flowing section of the Fabulous Fox National Water Trail in Kane County. This is going to be a massive endeavor and we need significant support staff. Contact us today at 815-356-6605 or if you would like an invitation to the planning meeting on 1/23.
Lend us a hand
On the schedule for next month will be purchasing a new operations vehicle. Your assistance would be helpful here too. Are you experienced in vehicle search and evaluation? The van is critical for our canoe fleet, which will also need some minor work including some trailer maintenance. Maintenance hands are also needed inside and out the Schweitzer Environmental Center.
On your own
And now is a good time to be a better Friend at home, work, and play. Limit the use of snow/ice melting materials on pavement, chemical use in the yard, and consideration of adding habitat with native vegetation.
Next Level
Choose FOTFR as an achievable resolution to be a Better Friend this year. Visit our website, follow us on Facebook/Instagram, consider attending a monthly meeting to get ideas how to be a Friend at the next level. Contact us at 815-356-6605 or to get things rolling.