Celebrating What Unites Us

In a time of dividing partisanship, what can bring people aligning with different political parties, religious beliefs, and cultures together? The answer is the Fox River; it unites us.
Over 1 million people call the Fox River Watershed home. A third of those use it for drinking water, and 100 municipalities use it to dispose of their sanitary and storm water. Tens of thousands utilize the river directly for recreation and aesthetic pleasure. Saturday was a day to celebrate in unity.

Will & the TYS crew at Voyageur Landing in Elgin

A Growing Tradition

It’s Our Fox River Day (IOFRD) 2024 was a grand success. IOFRDis pronounced “I offered” – a day intended to be both an individual and collective event that offers a thank you to the Fox River. IOFRD is intended to grow awareness throughout the entire watershed for the need to work collaboratively to protect and restore the health of the Fox River. It is also an opportunity for residents to be able to say, “I offered” thanks to my Fox River. It is becoming a tradition in many communities.

The Geneva Natural Resources Commission at Fabyan Forest Preserve in Geneva

Diverse Offerings

This year, 14 municipalities from Waukesha, Wisconsin to Ottawa, Illinois adopted proclamations honoring IOFRD. The diverse 71 activities were dominated by 55 mostly shoreline cleanups. 11 educational experiences involved invasive species identification, local geology, and measuring stream health. Some activities brought participants closer on a different level involving meditation and creekside sound healing with crystal bowls.

Natalie from Sacred Spirit Education at Tyler Creek in Elgin

Partners Unified

New this year were six business supporters offering special deals to IOFRD fans. Also new was a launch party in “Beerlington” at Low Daily Brewery in conjunction with partner the Fabulous Fox! Water Trail who offered guests commemorative glasses. All this would not be possible without our municipal, business, organizational, and individual partners who hosted the events.

The Karen Flowers Tiny Trash Collectors in East Dundee

Beautiful Symbol of Unity

IOFRD 2024 enjoyed beautiful weather and strong support of the many events. Several events had more than 100 participants. As I drove on Rt. 25 from St. Charles to Batavia, nearly every view of the river had people dragging bags of trash; that was a beautiful sight of civic unity. Thank you to the well over 1000 who participated. Hoping that next year that will include you.

The featured photo at the top shows a cleanup at Glenwood Forest Preserve in Batavia.