Join Us In Learning More About Our Fox River!
Join the exciting world of environmental education with FOTFR! We are currently seeking enthusiastic individuals to join our education team as paid staff, interns, and volunteers.
Friends of the Fox River (FOTFR) is the leader in providing watershed education for youth, and restoring the Fox River through advocacy, cleanups, and public education.
Our Education Calendar at a Glance

April/May: School-day field trips collecting biological, chemical, and physical data at a local stream. Weekend opportunities at community festivals.
June/July: 6 weeks of summer camp at the Schweitzer Environmental Center: mornings M-F
Aug/Sept/Oct: More field trips begin in late August and run consistently through the end of October. There is a possibility of a full-time staff hire beginning in September.
To get a glimpse of our work, watch the award-winning 12-minute film, Watershed Warriors.
Communication and Outreach Initiatives
FOTFR strives to educate a diverse audience through a broad range of communication and outreach initiatives.
These initiatives include:
Outreach Education Program
The Outreach Education Program provides the following to teachers, students and volunteers who desire to help protect the Fox River Watershed:
- Training to learn physical, chemical and biological monitoring techniques and protocols.
- A state goal aligned curriculum including texts, activities, tests, etc.
- Training to teach the curriculum.
- Aid in developing a program that fits you, your organization and/or your classroom.
- Help in finding a monitoring site.
- Equipment for monitoring such as nets, boots, chemical testing kits, etc.
- Assistance in monitoring.
- A PowerPoint presentation to help students understand why we need to monitor.
- Issuing State of the Fox River Reports annually.
- Distributing a “Welcome to Your Watershed” brochure that informs property owners about water quality protection.
Stewards of their Streams – A Menu of Educational Options

Friends of the Fox River offers a variety of educational experiences in which students act as scientists measuring, collecting, analyzing and reporting water quality data.
Teachers can satisfy their students hunger for learning by serving up our full cuisine of educational experiences. Or teachers can order the menu options that best suits their particular class’s needs.
Our Stewards of Their Streams Menu describes our three-component water quality education experience for students beginning with a classroom session (see appetizers), followed by a field session at a local creek (see entrees), and concluding with a virtual and/or classroom session for reflection, data interpretation, and calls to action (see desserts).
Public Outreach Projects and Programs
- We have organized spring and fall Fox Rescue cleanup events each year removing tons of trash from the Fox River and its tributaries.
- We have enhanced river habitat by planting nearly 7,000 water willow plants in the Fox River.
- We have issued State of the Fox River Reports annually.
- We have created and distributed a “Welcome to Your Watershed” brochure that informs property owners about water quality protection.

For more information
Detailed job descriptions are available upon request for Programming Interns, Part-time Support Staff Education lead (potential full-time) and Volunteers. Contact Gary Swick to discuss opportunities and determine your place on the team 815-356-6605 or
Join the FOTFR Education Team today to be part of something extraordinary!
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