Gary Swick

 Join Us for Some Playful Work

There is a saying that I have lived by, “Work hard, play hard.” My life’s path has given me the opportunity to follow my passion and blend personal and professional pursuits. Our Friendsof the Fox River (FOTFR) team works hard at building a watershed of caretakers in many ways. It is that time of year to … Read more

Save the Date for Exciting Events – Now thru Fall!

This week 15,000 years the Fox River formed as the last glacier melted. It shaped the physical landscape and gave this region unique habitats that include: all the deep lakes in Illinois, fens, bogs, streams, abundant springs, moraines, kames, several types of prairies and forests. Those habitats support a variety of plants and animals. The … Read more

It’s July, go get wet!

Think Picnic The parks are a great playground. Consider challenging yourself to pack a picnic experience with minimal waste. Be creative and find alternatives for disposable table coverings, utensils, plastic cups and even paper products like napkins. Reduce is the first and most important waste reduction strategy. Exit your site proud that you didn’t leave … Read more

Let’s Celebrate Freedom

As much of the United States human population marks July 4th as a day to celebrate, it is a good time to reflect upon what is independence and what is freedom. Though freedom by definition implies being able to do something without outside control, it is often seen as an achievement. For my dog partner, … Read more

June is a Time to Fine-tune

It has been said that folks in Illinois don’t complain about the weather for only two of the twelve months, those being June and September. Now behind us is the excitement of the ephemeral blooms on woodland forest floors, the brief visits of migrating bird travelers, and the challenges of big swings in unpredictable weather. … Read more

A Watershed Moment in Our Watershed

For over 30 years, Friends of the Fox River (FOTFR) has been building a watershed of caretakers. Part of that effort is defining the term watershed (as a drainage area) and delivering this concept as a management strategy. That path has been marked by a few watershed moments; a watershed moment is a turning point, … Read more

No Joke – Free Oak Trees

Possibly and probably the most important single act of being a better Friend to the Fox River, is to introduce an Oak tree to the watershed. No, that is not an April Fool’s joke. Nor is it a joke that Friends of the Fox River (FOTFR) is offering you an oak tree (or a couple) … Read more

Earth Day Every Day

April is Earth Month, and Earth Day is officially on April 22nd. The concept of Earth Day is to recognize human dependence upon earth systems and to honor our mother, Earth. This tradition has been around for fifty-two years. In 1970, the developed world was just beginning to realize the impacts of our consumptive culture. … Read more

THINKING Like a Watershed

The Fox River is a fine demonstration of Barry Commoner’s Laws of Ecology. Law #1 is that all things are connected. This is evident in the definition of a watershed; it is the entire land area that drains to a common place. The Fox River Watershed covers over 2600 square miles of land that drain … Read more