- Produce informal education programs that educate citizens about the Fox River watershed
- Produce programs and other events that help fund house operations, maintenance and repairs.
- Promote SEC events on the web and through outreach to local organizations and businesses
- Coordinate house maintenance and repairs by monthly managers
- Coordinate ecological restoration workdays
- Report the results of programs at the Annual Meeting
Current Members:
June Keibler
LuAnne Lewandowski, FOTFR Administrative Coordinator
Jarrett Sanchez
Gary Swick, Board President
Cindy Wendt – FOTFR Educator
Open seats – Community Members
Meeting Schedule:
The Schweitzer Committee meets on the 1st Monday of each month from 6 pm to 7 pm at the Schweitzer Environmental Center
16N690 Sleepy Hollow Road
West Dundee, IL. 60118
Volunteers Needed:
We need volunteers with experience in house maintenance and repairs, event production, public relations and social media.
Committee Contact:
LuAnne Lewandowski – email info@friendsofthefoxriver.org