Paddlewheel Sunset Vision Cruise

Join Friends of the Fox River on Saturday, September 23, 2017 from 6pm to 8pm, for a sunset cruise on one of the St. Charles Paddlewheel boats.

But this cruise is about more than enjoying the beauty of a fall sunset on the river. We’re on a quest for an inspiring and compelling vision for the future of the Fox River itself. So we’re inviting our environmental partners, state and county elected officials, local mayors, Chambers of Commerce, government agency officials, and others, to present their vision for the future of the Fox River and its watershed.

We hope that by sharing visions from a broad variety of viewpoints throughout the Fox Valley, from the headwaters to the confluence, we can inspire a larger agreement about what the river needs, and find new ways to work together toward a common vision for a healthier watershed and a cleaner, more vibrant river.

Be inspired! Glimpse the future! Join us for this unique event by ordering your tickets below.