Caring for the Fox River



Watershed Protection

The Fox River can’t defend itself. When its health is threatened, Friends of the Fox River speaks and acts on the river’s behalf. The river can’t clean itself either. Participate in shoreline and on-the-water river cleanups from April to October.



FOTFR educates a diverse audience through a broad range of communication and outreach initiatives. We are building a watershed community of caretakers through providing hands-on, outdoor learning experiences throughout the Fox River Watershed.


Public Outreach

We want to engage with diverse members of the hundreds of watershed communities.  If you live, work, study, or play in the Fox River Watershed, your perspective matters to us.  Follow us on Facebook, Instagram, YouTube. Subscribe to our newsletter. Volunteer. Donate. JOIN US!

Support the Friends of the Fox River

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Fox River Dam Removal | FAQ’s

Learn more about Fox River dam removal and river restoration by visiting our Dam FAQ’s page. Explore other river-related topics under the Resources tab on the top menu.

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Creating a Watershed of Caretakers

Thank you for helping protect and restore the Fox River! Your financial or in-kind donations directly support our river protection efforts: education events, cleanups, stream monitoring, and habitat improvement.

Take our 5-10 minute survey

FOTFR meets our Friends where they are and values their support and input. Please offer your opinion on our operations to fulfill our mission. 

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Schweitzer Environmental Center Programs

Watch for special programs at the Schweitzer Environmental Center every 2nd Sunday of the Month

Recent News

Sit With Your Friend

In the middle of the Friends of the Fox River’s (FOTFR) mission statement is “connecting people to nature.” Because FOTFR is …

Native Knowledge

For thousands of years, humans have been able to live sustainably without technological aids. To do this required an intimate understanding …

The World of Aquatic Macroinvertebrates

Megaloptera, Trichoptera, Plecoptera… unless you’re a fly fisher, ecologist, or student who has taken part in our stream field experience, these …

The Fox River Runs Through It

With apologies to Norman McClean and his A River Runs Through It, my column this month is going to be an …