From the FOFR Library
If you utilize the Fox River and its resources on your weekends, and have been looking for a way to contribute back to your community, maybe you will find the suggestions below helpful. There are several easy ways to help out and do your part! …
Here are several ways to join in and help out the Friends of the Fox River to monitor water quality issues that affect us all:
- Join Friends of the Fox River.
- Join Friends of the Fox River’s Monitoring Network and become a stream monitor.
- Practice water conservation.
- Around your home, eliminate polluting runoff:
- avoid or reduce the use of lawn and garden chemicals.
- use a car wash, or wash cars on a lawn where soapy water can’t run directly into storm sewers.
- keep cars in good condition, repairing drips and leaks.
- recycle used oil and other automotive waste products (pouring them on the street or down storm drains will pollute our waters).
- revegetate bare soil with native prairie plants to minimize erosion and runoff.
- direct downspouts away from foundations and driveways to planting beds or grassed areas where water can safely percolate through the soil.
- Support community planting of deep-rooted native plants to capture pollutants.
- Support the preservation of wetlands to hold flood waters.
- Support the preservation of open space where water can soak into the ground.
- Promote greenway corridors to buffer streams in the Fox River watershed.
- Tell public officials in your community about your interest in protecting the Fox River and explain its value for recreation and quality of life.
- Stay informed. Read the news for issues that affect the Fox River.