Meet Your Watershed Neighbors: Jelkes Creek-Fox River Watershed Coalition

By David Poweleit, President JCFRWC

Our Mission: Improve surface water and groundwater quality through outreach and implementation of best management practices.

The Jelkes Creek – Fox River Watershed (JCFRW) Coalition, along with sister watershed organizations upstream and downstream of our watershed, is focused on protecting and enhancing water quality within the Fox River Valley. The Coalition, comprised of local stakeholders, has prepared the “Jelkes Creek- Fox River Watershed Action Plan“. The plan was prepared with support and guidance from the Kane – DuPage Soil and Water Conservation District and approved by the Illinois Environmental Protection Agency.

What’s in a Name?

The watershed bears the name of the largest tributary in its boundaries;
Jelke Creek, but it also includes Carpenter Creek, Dixie Creek, Fourwinds Way (Selmartin Creek, Lake Marion Creek, Cougar (MacIntosh or No Name) Creek, Ratt Creek, Shaw Creek, Sleepy Creek and the Fox River. The 40 square miles of watershed spans three counties; Kane, Cook and McHenry, and includes Algonquin, Barrington Hills, Carpentersville, East Dundee, Elgin, Sleepy Hollow, West Dundee and unincorporated areas of Dundee Township.

Our objectives, and the objectives of the JCFRW Action Plan, are to educate the residents within the watershed on the impacts of non-point source pollution, and help develop programs and projects to improve water quality. The Coalition encourages the participation of both residents and local governments. To hear about upcoming meetings or to help make a difference email