Highlights and News


All 1.5 million residents of the Fox River Watershed are friends of the Fox River. The relationship may only be through drinking water, waste water, and/or stormwater management. Including folks that work and visit the Fox Valley, that’s a lot of friends and impacts. But not everyone is a good Friend (of the Fox River), nor … Read more

The Season of Thanking

Order our 2025 calendar HERE. Most of the photos in this article are from our calendar. Friends of the Fox River (FOTFR) has so much to be grateful for — including you! As a subscriber to the Watershed Weekly, you’re part of a community that receives regular updates, insights, and stories from us. We hope … Read more

Make Choices,Vote!

Our lives are full of choices. Two things that we had no control over: who our parents are and where we were born. Those two factors are very significant in determining our future. Often, we can overcome cultural and geographic obstacles and forge a life for ourselves where we are primarily in control of our … Read more

Barry Commoner’s 3rd Law of Ecology is that Nature Knows Best

When humans alter or try to improve natural systems, problems are likely. During the days of autumn, nature is preparing trees for winter by conserving chlorophyll and storing the green for use in the spring. Colorful leaves fall from branches and cover the ground. In nature, this serves to:~ Insulate roots from frigid temperatures~ Conserve … Read more


Halloween is a spooktacular time of the year filled with family, friends, food and fun! Did you know that you can have just as much fun, and maybe even more fun, while also creating less waste?  Countless is the number of nature-friendly holiday activities that can be incorporated into your Halloween game plan. With a … Read more

Eyes to the Sky

Since last month’s Reflections on the Fox column, some very significant events have occurred in the skies over the Fox River Valley.  First, on the evening of Thursday, October 10, another magnificent display of the aurora borealis occurred a little after 9 p.m.  The aurora displays are a result of solar particles expelled in coronal … Read more

Educating and Empowering the Public

Friends of the Fox River (FOTFR) is dedicated to building a watershed community of caretakers. This goal involves educating the public and empowering them to advocate for the health of their community. One of our major challenges is that the Fox River Watershed spans 200 miles, crosses a state line, and includes 15 counties and … Read more

Being a Better Friend October Style

As the display of fall foliage approaches, it is a good time to enjoy the outdoors and be a Better Friend to the Fox River Watershed. Vote YES Voting YES on your county’s referendum will help pass action that will significantly improve natural resource management and opportunities to enjoy the benefits on public lands. Here … Read more

Vote YES for the Fox River Watershed

It’s Our Fox River Day 2024 demonstrated that protecting our local natural resources is important to many of us, regardless of our political, religious, or cultural affiliations. On November 5th, many Americans will head to the polls with strong connections to a certain political party and possibly with influence by their individual religious and/or cultural … Read more

Celebrating What Unites Us

In a time of dividing partisanship, what can bring people aligning with different political parties, religious beliefs, and cultures together? The answer is the Fox River; it unites us. Over 1 million people call the Fox River Watershed home. A third of those use it for drinking water, and 100 municipalities use it to dispose … Read more