Day: December 1, 2019

Black-capped Chickadee

Meet Your Neighbors: Meet Your Chickadee Neighbor’s Brain!

By Jack MacRae Our wildlife neighbors adjust to the approach of winter in various ways.  Some creatures migrate (red bats), some hibernate (fox snakes), and some grow a layer of insulating fat (raccoons and many humans).  And some birds grow big brains. Seriously.  Long ago, scientists learned that black capped chickadees’ brains expand during autumn when the birds … Read more


What’s Your Connection to Friends of the Fox River?

by Gary Swick We are all connected on many levels and in many ways; as family, community, culturally, professionally and as members of our watershed’s ecosystems. I’m going to suggest that you may also have a spiritual connection to the Friends of the Fox River. Genetic Connections The origin of our species, DNA, and … Read more