Tom Schrader

The Great Crane Migration

It’s the most wonderful time of the year!  As we enter the holiday season, the birding scene in the Fox River Valley has undergone some dramatic changes since the warmer months of summer and fall.  The leaves have fallen from the trees and most of the birds that migrate south for the winter have left … Read more

The Green Heron: One of the Fox River’s More Intelligent Birds

I’ve always loved to come across a Green Heron when I’m on the river fishing or hiking in a riverside forest preserve.  These interesting herons are less frequent sights than their larger cousins, the Great Blue Heron and the Great Egret in our area.  These beautiful birds have been on the decline over the last … Read more

A New Year Class of Bald Eagles

As I write this article in early July, I’m celebrating the beginning of a wonderful Independence Day weekend for our country, but also the emergence from the nest of a new-year-class of Bald Eagles. They are making their debut in the skies over the Fox River watershed!  I have been closely following the progress of … Read more

Wow! The Fox River Has Been Really Clear!

Back in 2005, I wrote a column for the Friends of the Fox River’s newsletter entitled “How Green Is My River?” due to the incredible algae blooms that were going on that year.  For much of that year, the river was a vivid pea-soup green: not healthy for river life and not very aesthetically pleasing … Read more

Great Blue Herons Are Nesting Along the Fox River Right Now!

I frequently like to take drives along the Fox River where roads closely parallel the riverbank.  One such road that I particularly like to take during this time of year (spring) is IL Route 25 from Aurora south to Oswego.  This route passes by some great fishing areas, the sites of several water willow stands. … Read more