
The Canary in the Coal Mine: A Cautionary Tale

Maybe you have heard of the practice that coal miners used in the pre-modern technology “old days” of mining; they took a canary in a cage with them into the underground mine to detect the presence of deadly gases that would pose a mortal threat to the miners.  The theory was that the canary, more … Read more

Wow! What a Week for
Friends of the Fox River Volunteers

Three events kept us hopping and there’s more to come in August! Rusty RodeoSaturday 8/6 was the Fox River Rusty Rodeo. Friends of the Fox River (FOTFR) volunteers joined staff from our partners Kane County Forest Preserve District, Fox Valley Park District, St. Charles Park District, Center for Great Lakes Literacy, and Sea Grant Illinois-Indiana … Read more

 Join Us for Some Playful Work

There is a saying that I have lived by, “Work hard, play hard.” My life’s path has given me the opportunity to follow my passion and blend personal and professional pursuits. Our Friendsof the Fox River (FOTFR) team works hard at building a watershed of caretakers in many ways. It is that time of year to … Read more

Save the Date for Exciting Events – Now thru Fall!

This week 15,000 years the Fox River formed as the last glacier melted. It shaped the physical landscape and gave this region unique habitats that include: all the deep lakes in Illinois, fens, bogs, streams, abundant springs, moraines, kames, several types of prairies and forests. Those habitats support a variety of plants and animals. The … Read more

It’s July, go get wet!

Think Picnic The parks are a great playground. Consider challenging yourself to pack a picnic experience with minimal waste. Be creative and find alternatives for disposable table coverings, utensils, plastic cups and even paper products like napkins. Reduce is the first and most important waste reduction strategy. Exit your site proud that you didn’t leave … Read more

Let’s Celebrate Freedom

As much of the United States human population marks July 4th as a day to celebrate, it is a good time to reflect upon what is independence and what is freedom. Though freedom by definition implies being able to do something without outside control, it is often seen as an achievement. For my dog partner, … Read more

Featured Friend: Hero Jen Shares a River Safety Lesson for Us All

Meet Jen Chrostowski, lifelong resident of the Fox River Valley, recently garnering hero status right in her own backyard. Jen and her family live in unincorporated Algonquin Shores, a quiet, humble neighborhood on the east bank of the river hugging the northernmost border of Kane County.  Both Jen and her husband Jeremy grew up on … Read more

Indian Creek is Asking for Your Help

What is Watershed-based Plan? (All blue highlights are clickable links) A watershed-based plan is a multi-objective, stakeholder-driven plan for water resources planning and management applied to the land area of the watershed of interest. Watershed-based plans provide both general and specific recommendations and actions that communities, businesses, and residents can take toward the protection, restoration, … Read more

The “Kings” of the Air Above the Fox River

I’ve fished the lower Fox River by boat for the last 45 years.  During that time, I’ve caught a lot of fish and seen a lot of neat things along the river.  A recent hike at the Hoover Forest Preserve reminded me of one of my favorite things to do while fishing: observing the birds … Read more

June is a Time to Fine-tune

It has been said that folks in Illinois don’t complain about the weather for only two of the twelve months, those being June and September. Now behind us is the excitement of the ephemeral blooms on woodland forest floors, the brief visits of migrating bird travelers, and the challenges of big swings in unpredictable weather. … Read more